Does Your Bike Have A Story?
We are looking for the oldest High Nelly Bike in Ireland!
The Bulfin Heritage Cycle Rally 2019, are looking for the oldest, (in working order) High Nelly Bike, in Ireland!
If you think you might be in possession of just such a bike, then please get in touch by emailing – Please attach a photograph of your bicycle, and let us know it’s story.
The owner of the oldest bike that we discover between now and August 20th, will be a VIP Guest at this year’s Bulfin Heritage Cycle Rally; as we explore our medieval past, in Counties Laois and Kilkenny, including visits to Aghaboe Abbey and St. Canices Cathedral!
And of course the bike comes too! On August 24th & 25th, you will join with a group of vintage cyclist, in vintage attire, as we journey through the hidden history and heritage of Ireland, just as William Bulfin did in 1902, on his trusty steel framed bike, made by Pierce of Wexford.
Bulfin told the stories of his travels, in his excellent book Rambles In Eirinn, which was published in 1907. Inspired by his travels, we follow in his wheel rims, every year, and we catalogue our travels, here, on this website!
If you do not fancy the prospect of cycling 70km, over the course of the two days, then you can avail of our vintage bus transport, which is new to this year’s event.
So check that bike, search your sheds, for you may just be in possession of Ireland’s Oldest Bike!

Tickets for The Bulfin Heritage Cycle Rally 2019
If you are pretty certain you are not in possession of the oldest bike in Ireland, but would still like to join us, you can purchase tickets HERE!